We went a long time between boys' haircuts this time. Theo loves it when his hair touches his eyebrows and wanted a picture to remember it by (really it does touch just when he raises his brows). We go see John at Salvi's Barber. After many terrible haircuts and a husband who hasn't a clue of where to go, I finally decided, eureka!, take them to an actual barber. So I headed to the Italian section of Newton and found John. Gabriel screamed for the first year of his cuts and had to sit on my lap. Now he pops up without a peep. Gabriel also loudly said that the man reflected in the mirror sitting in the barber seat resembled a monster. I think he resembles a mafia boss of some sort. I quickly quieted Gabriel down. (And no, there are no rumblings of mafia in Newton, and no, I wouldn't take my sons to a barber where the mafia might frequent, no matter how good.)