Thursday, March 5, 2009

Scary things, spiders, making gates and babies

Our dear Theo talks all day long. While driving in the car today, he started in on his list of things he likes:
  • Scary things
  • Spiders
  • Making gates (so people can't pass through)
  • Babies
  • Cars
  • Wheels

He likes being funny and will say something nonsensical. Thankfully, at the end, he'll say, "That was a joke."

When you ask him a question, he'll say, "Oh, sure, I can." in a very enthusiastic voice.

He loves when the whole family is together. He'll look around and say, "the whole family!" He also likes labeling our family. He'll see a picture of people, animals, what have you and tell me who is Mommy, Daddy, etc. This also works with noodles or peas, where he'll place five on his fork or fingers and "eat the family." Maybe that isn't so cute.

Both he and Maddie bound out of bed in the morning to get dressed. He has taken to laying out his clothes the night before. I especially liked this outfit. Note, the train sweater with matching trains socks, and the phone in his jean's pocket.

And he likes to pretend. His recent favorite is pretending to be a baby. This means he talks babytalk, has to be carried, likes to crawl and will only respond to being called baby. He also does this as a doctor and an eyeball (I can't figure that one out!).


Libby said...

So, so cute. Theo is priceless!

Rachel H said...

What a great guy you have! I can't wait to make Theo's aquaintance!! I know we'll be good buddies.

kms said...

it looks like theo melted! :) that is HILARIOUS. i love the idea of pretending to be an eyeball... my kind of kid.