Monday, March 1, 2010

Cutie Puttutie

Gabriel is turning into quite the little guy. He is a great helper, likes to clear his plate just like the big kids. And we have daily lessons for Maddie and Theo about how Gabriel is watching everything that they do. His latest we heard in the car. As Nathan was loudly making strange noises/trying to be funny, Gabriel shouts, "Shush!" If you ask him something, like, "Who made this mess?" He'll answer with a loud, enthusiastic, "ME!" If you ask him not to do something, you'll hear, "Tay." He is also very adept at telling stories with little words. He'll use the words that he knows along with movements and actions to get the point across.
Happy messy boy reading the newspaper
Yummy pasta

1 comment:

Abbey said...

ha ha ha! love it :)