Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Red Sox Field Trip

We really love the fact that our town is so Red Sox crazy. So crazy that in 1st grade, the kids spend a few weeks learning about baseball which includes a field trip to Fenway Park. I was thrilled to chaperone this trip!

We have many parent helpers so I was in charge of Maddie and Avery. Avery is a Yankees fan - gasp. I finally had to whisper to her that it is great to be an enthusiastic fan but that we needed to focus on learning about the Red Sox!
Makes you want to watch a game!

Sitting on the green monster. What a seat! These seats are available only by lottery each year. It'd be a pretty amazing place to take in a game. After the field trip, the unit wrapped up with a baseball afternoon where kids could watch a game and chose which seats to buy, purchase lunch and snacks (with play money), play games and just have fun. It was a very impressive few weeks!

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