Monday, April 20, 2009

Patriot's Day!

Patriot's Day is a big deal in Boston. There are a ton of re-enactments throughout the city and of course in Lexington and Concord. The biggest one is the "shot heard round the world" before 6am. Thousands of people trek out to Lexington Green to watch the battle, some even sleep out! I dragged Nathan to it 9 years ago when he was at HBS. With my mom in town, we had to experience it. We set our alarms for 4:45 and away we went. Unfortunately, we ended up being about five rows back from the green. By standing on our tip toes, we could just make out a small portion of the battle.

Even though we didn't have front row seats, it was a huge treat capped off with a yummy breakfast at La Provence in Concord. We did find the Elks selling tricorn hats that Maddie and Theo loved.

Theo wore his hat all day and was the hit of the town. The people at Waban Market were going crazy when they saw him.

We then headed down the street to watch the Boston Marathon.

Ever seen a cuter Yankee?

The kids, and Grammie, loved ringing these bells to cheer on the runners. Grammie rang so much she developed bell finger.

This man blew the competition out of the water. It was pretty amazing.

The lady in pink is an American new to the marathon scene. Look for her to win Boston someday.

The men's winner.

A serious Patriot

We had so much fun with Grammie on her visit. Come back soon (and bring Pop Pop)!

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