Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The stockings were filled, the tree lit and the celebration began!

I had wanted a lovely Christmas jammie picture. We staged this one a few weeks before Christmas to no avail.
At least we captured two happy kids on Christmas morning!
Here they come!
A sleigh from Santa for all, a hoop for Gaby

A camera and another special kitty were on the list and Santa delivered!
Matching beanbags from Grammie and Pop Pop. I thought these would be in the basement but each child decided to put them in their rooms for snuggling up and reading stories.

And I bought into the hype of the zhu zhu pets. So very unlike me but my friend Denise and I spent, oh about five weeks, putting together our set - from late night Internet orders to 5:45 AM at Toys R Us. And then a two hour intense session of putting it all together. Can you say loco? That said the kids do enjoy them but I can't believe I spent the time and money on fake hamsters!
Howdy pardner. Cowboy boot slippers from Arizona.
My Christmas jam elf
I must say, it was our best Christmas jam yet. Though no wild and crazy dancing like last year when Maddie performed a very wild interpretive dance. You'll have to see the video!
Yes, Jonathan with a maraca, golf glove and filming himself. You look good J, really good.
Hooray! What a special Christmas.

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