The first time we went to pick up our apples, Gabriel was pushing the lawn mower around and up walk the chickens. I'm thinking to myself how cool is that! Well, he completely freaks out! Screaming, shaking, can't wait to get away from those chickens. They were simply walking up toward him like a chicken does and I guess, they are just the right size and just strange enough looking to freak out a 2 year old. Anyhow, he was scooped up and we hustled out of there. The next week, we parked on the side of the road near the compost pile where guess who was a peckin and a pickin? The chickens! He peered out the car window with his big blue eyes and said "No chickens." He wanted Theo to carry him away from the chickens.
We had much progress on our last visit. While he was very excited to see the bunny (I have such a cute video of the bunny and Gabriel but I can't figure out how to get it uploaded), he wasn't as fearful about the chickens.
Gabriel asking the bunny for a "tiss."
The chickens steered clear of Gabriel until he was playing in the tire with the trucks. I waited cautiously to see how he'd react. He warily stared at the chickens and then proclaimed proudly that he played with the chickens! He even laughed when they tried to peck an apple in our bag.
What an adorable picture of Gabriel looking at the bunny - he's just such a cutie.
I love that Gabriel asked the bunny for a "tiss." Darling boy! The Fall colors are amazing!
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