Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Starting 'Em Early

At the Sanders house, the reading is never light (unless you're the mama!). Gabriel has a fondness for this book and will plop down in the basement to do some light reading while we are getting shoes on. Like father like son?

Hmm, very interesting.

Let me check that out.

Yes, it's Understanding Physics. I, personally, have avoided our science shelf. (Can I even really call it "our" science shelf. No, it's Nathan's science shelf. You can find my shelf in the other room with the vampire books, page turner mysteries and some other best sellers). In fact the only way I passed high school physics was by doing extra credit which was right up my alley - read an article the teacher provided and summarize it!

1 comment:

Abbey said...

future Doogie Howser? :)